Monday, November 25, 2024

Turkey Trot

Thank you Fox Creek Community for another wonderful fundtraising event. Our Crew loved the first Turkey Trot!
Our Crew did a great job perservering to do their best and showing compassion by supporting each other during the run.

4th Grade Y/O buddies

Our first grade crew is Y/O Buddies (younger/older) with Ms. Mellissa's fourth grade crew
We love getting together most friday mornings to connect and read books together.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Tools and Work

Our crew has been learning over the last few weeks about how tools make work easier. We have learned that each teach has a job and helps us.
We also have learned that when working we need the Habits of Character. We have learned through read alouds as well as challenges in class. We have reflected on respect, collaboartion and initiative.
We finally got to collborate in groups to create a magnificent items for our classroom. We then received feedback and revised our work.

Winter Festivities

Our crew had a wonderful last day before winter break! Thank you to all of you who came, helped out and helped to make this day special for...